Monday, July 6, 2015

Like Dolly

Something I wrote somewhere on a post about Dolly Parton. I think there was an interview with her on a video clip, I can't quite remember where. I don't remember what was said that this was in response to, either, possibly something about expecting Christians not to sin - which is thoroughly ridiculous!

All people are sinners, Christians and everyone else alike.
(Remember John's rebuke, "If we (Christians) say that we aren't sinners, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us." I John 1:8)

God loves us all, Christians and everyone else alike.
(For God so loved the world..." John 3:16)

Pronouncing judgement (declaring an order of condemnation on someone's soul) is reserved to God alone, because we never know what's going on inside of a person, and only God knows what is right and true and possible for them, and only God knows which step is the one each person needs next to walk towards life and what steps each person is taking towards death.

God has made it very plain that He wants people to Live, really be fully alive and experiencing every beautiful and wondrous thing He has created. Jesus came to make things simple enough for us to understand. If you like who Jesus was and what he did while he was walking around in the gospels, then you see exactly who God is - Jesus is God written in human form.

Dolly is right on target. She isn't worried about fixing everyone else, she is sharing the love and forgiveness and patience she has received from God with everyone else. She isn't Talking it, she is Doing it - like she sees Jesus doing it in the Bible. Dolly is a Christian, she is following Jesus, she has let Jesus have the God seat in her life and she is free to be her honest self.

The only thing Christians have that the rest of the world doesn't is Jesus. He's risky, he won't ride around in your pocket, he doesn't do your bidding like a genie, he has his own way of doing things and he expects his people to believe what he says, but he knows how to change people into people who look like him.

Like Dolly.

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