What if I had got this Christianity thing wrong and when we died, we all
went to some beautiful land where everyone was their best self and no
one did anything hurtful and everything was happy ever after - but Jesus
wasn't there? Perhaps there was even a God there, but He was a Force or
even a Super-Being, but he wasn't the Jesus of the Bible - not that
whole Saviour on a cross Son of God thing.
What would I do? How would I feel about that? After all, I'd be in the most beautiful place ever,
and I'd know that everything had come out alright,
and all the people I loved would be there.
And there would only be good things happening.
And there would be endless interesting things to know and do.
And happiness ever after.
But no Jesus.
Just think about it.
Eternal peace.
Endless opportunities.
Lots of things to do.
But no Jesus, Lord of Glory.
thought about it. If He isn't there, it would be an emptiness that ten
thousand million billion people couldn't fill. If I can't be with Him,
all the lovely in the universe could never substitute. If the
imagination of such an afterlife crushes your soul to tears, then you
know where your love is. If it doesn't sound too bad, then maybe being a
Christian isn't really where you're at right now.
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